Thursday, April 17, 2008

Getting prepared

So i think i'm fairly prepared...item-wise...for my upcoming trip. I have a solar powered battery charger that also charges cells phones, iPods and the like. Very cool! I have a Tivoli radio, which will serve as externals speakers for my iPod and claims to bring in major radio stations. It's cobalt blue w/ cherry wood. I have a voltage transformer and converter set...ya know for my hair dryer and straightening iron! (hehehe) I have work clothes, casual clothes, work-out clothes, dressy clothes. I'm taking my y0ga mat for sanity. My camera will capture my new home, neighbors and friends. A journal for ocassional lunatic rantings, frustrating days, and memorable, satisfying moments.
The thing i'm most struggling with: What shoes do i bring and which ones stay behind, getting packed away and never seeing my feet for 2 years? Dilemmas! I bought a pair of Keen sandals. I'm taking my running shoes. They recommend a good pair or 2 of casual walking shoes. Check. Check. Check. But what about going-out shoes? And the shoes I'll wear w/ my dress for the Swearing-in ceremony? And the shoes for social gatherings? I know, the drama! In all honesty, i'm (mostly) kidding. Okay, so i have a guilty pleasure for fashion and a small obsession for shoes. Really, i'm worried about what pair of cute, sexy shoes to take w/ me even though i say it's important. Can you say distration?! Have you noticed i'm NOT talking about if i'm mentally or emotionally prepared for this trip. Well....i'm saving that for another day.

So I'm Employee of the Month?

It's kinda comical.....oh and i don't like my picture. Does anyone ever?