Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Speak the Truth

Speak the Truth...
even if it hurts
even though it causes pain
even if it others turn away
even if you are alone in your words.
Speak the Truth from your heart
with loving kindness.
You cannot go wrong.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

from Good Earth Tea

Trust thyself
only, and
another shall
not betray thee.

~Thomas Fuller

Thursday, January 3, 2008


You Are Strength

You represent both fiery energy and steadfast will. You are innocent and naive - yet unafraid and undaunted. Perhaps you don't have the most powerful physical strength...But your mental powers make up for any amount of muscle.

Your fortune: Lately, you have been a pillar of ethics and moral strength. And while things may be difficult, your faith in yourself will come through. You may need to conquer the animalistic nature of yourself or others, with gentle force. Although this may seem like the darkest hour for you, victory is near.